Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Befriend Thy Pain

Oh. My. God.

I had no idea hard work could hurt so much.

Remember how I had tons of washing to do. Yeah, fascinating.

So I started off with the sheets marathon. I had never missed the washer-dryer at home quite as much as I missed it last night. Well I didn’t realize what the incessant scrubbing and pounding and rinsing to do to the muscles in my upper arms. By the time I was done washing three huge sheets, one towel (which weighed like 56 tons after it got wet, yes I forgot that was going to happen), and 20 T-shirts, I was all happy and gloaty(?) and extremely proud of myself at having accomplished such an unimaginable feat.

Guess what?

Big fat mistake.

Now my muscles feels as though they had been wrenched out of the arms, wringed out repeatedly until the outer layer broke into shreds and the shreds had been tugged on one-by-one, all being done the muscles had been carefully re-attached into the arms, in full functionality. They are not even numb, they are fully active. But every time I move a muscle (trust me, no pun intended), the pain sucks the life out of me.

Right now I find it difficult to lift my palm from the keyboard and am starting to hate the Shift Key from the core of my being, it does not conform to my don’t-move-the-elbow-or-your-lung-will-collapse-from-the-pain rule.

I was able to sleep for only three hours last night because no matter what I did to my arms – fold them, spread them, press them tight under the pillows, bite them, curse them, cry to them- NOTHING helped. Plus I missed breakfast again. By 5 minutes.

I hope all this is able to wear me out at some point of time so that I can doze off imperceptibly, as there is no way in heaven or in hell that I can find peace otherwise.

God, I plead for my life!

Sheesh could I be any more dramatic? Ah, well pain can do crazy things to your head.

Thanks for listening.


Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry! I remember being pregnant with my twins and suffering from pre-eclampsia (pregnancy-induced high blood pressure). Anyway, my liver function went all wacky and my liver hurt. I couldn't lie down for more than 90 minutes at a time, to sleep, because of the pain. It was a horrible two weeks.

I feel for you. Get better! :-)

Narcoleptic said...

Liver hurting?
I have no idea how bad that must have felt, to be actually be able to feel your liver hurt.
See this is one of those hundreds of things about pregnancy that scares the shit out of me.
I am so glad you got better, it must be sheer inhuman torture to live that way.