Monday, March 10, 2008

The Joys of not going Home

So, yeah the papers got over yesterday, although the practicals are pending, and I come to realise once more how much I hate this this feeling of part relief at almost being done with the exams, and part anxiety because some of it is yet to go. Especially the part which involoves a certain amount of interaction in person with some people I hate, hate so much that I could clench their guts out. Gross, I know but trust me, I could get more graphic when it comes to these people.
Well I realise that I should probably not elaborate as I am still a part of this college, and a lot of things that I say here could affect me in some obscure way. Ah, how much I would love to be able to spill my guts out, unfortunately that's not happening now. So look out for all that in the not-so-near future when I will be able to write things here without any inhibitions or concerns of being tracked down.
Well, quite naturally since I am in college, a whole lot of ahem, interesting thing do happen around me all the time, but right now I couldn't risk divulging that much information especially when I know so many people are ready to pounce on me at the drop of a hat. So yeah, the draggy old non juicy stuff goes on here until I'm rich and and own a 5000 square feet apartment.

So college closes down for a week for Holi this Friday, a 9 day break. I am not going home this time. Oddly enough this does not wierd me out at all. Right now I am so relieved at not having to go through the periods of gruelling packing and unpacking which generally gets delayed by days, with things strewn all over the place, open suitcases, unfolded clothes, unkempt hair, paper-riots, lost plane tickets, curious maids pointing and laughing at my ridiculous house-keeping skills, desperate phone calls, over-emphasised instructions from Dad - stating the exact same points he that he had reminded me of only like 6 hours earlier, all topped off with a lot of manic dumping and shoving.

*Giant Grin*... !

Not happening this time. Woo-friggin-Hoo!

Calcutta will be freakishly warm and sticky already, and there won't be much to do there this time of the year. Ofcourse the countless hours of television and the incriminating amounts of junk food are a huge draw, but I realised that all that is possible here as well. The thought of all the peace and quiet once everyone will have gone - bliss is an understatement. All I am worried about is if the dining services here will operate properly, because I don't know what I will do otherwise. Inspite of that, I wouldn't mind sleeping through 10 days of uninterrupted hermitude, even at the cost of undernourishment.

Okay, change of topic: Music.

I had gotten out of the 'Imogen Heap' phase, but they are back again :

1. Headlock
2. Hide and Seek
3. Come here Boy
4. Speeding cars

And then there are 'The Raveonettes':

1. Hallucinations
2. Aly walk with me

And amazingly enough I found 'Liam Finn' on a blog:

1. Second Chance
2. Better to Be

Well unfortunately among the songs that I found interesting, these are the only ones featured on their respective My Space pages.

Go on 'rummage' for more.

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