Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where you need more than an Orange Button to publish

Ah the joys of Senior year. 
This time of the year all vestiges of pride fade away, when you practically wander from one professor's door to another - requesting, mooching, downright begging. This is when the stringencies of classroom conformity seize to exist. What I mean is, given my undergraduate field of study, I am most likely supposed to go the extra mile in a research laboratory, and no, one is not enough. So I snub back all inhibitions, and approach the professors directly. And guess what, they actually think I am good enough. Okay, so this was a year back. so you'd expect that I should have got this covered, right? Well, turns out - not so much. Now I need to get a paper published. 
Wait, WHAT?
Right, as an undergrad, I need my name up there, alongside people I'd consider nothing less than celebrities - people who, given their 15 years of experience, make my 4 measly years of college education look like pigeon poo. Well, at least that is what page after page of graduate admission requirements tell me.
So I wander around the hallways resplendent with the palpable air of academic intellect, muttering to myself "Will not pass out, Shall not pass out".


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