Monday, August 31, 2009

There you go...

Keep to yourself, keep to yourself, keep to yourself!

Get it? No? Well, keep that to yourself.

There is no need to let people know you are basically a glorified dud. There is no need to get whiny, please. There is no need to be pretty, look pretty or act pretty. You do not need to be able to finish a sentence you have started only to realise you don't know how it's supposed to end. Nope!

You don't need a dog, or a car, or even clothes. You do not need to be an intellectual whine-ass. No need to tell people how you really feel, no need to beat yourself for letting them know how you feel. There is no need to be guilty, no need to obsess, no need to check out a white guy who don't really like.

You don't need to think logical, coherent blocks of thought. No need to pretend that you aren't really deranged. There is no need to blame Cheetos for that pit in your stomach, no need to drink beer when you hate it anyway.

You don't need to stay up nights, worrying a lifetime's worries. Just shut your eyes up tight, bite your tongue, and hope everything will melt away when you are awake again.


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