Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You know, the review..

This is the review. I feel like I should do something to it. Frame it. Take screenshots of it. I was curious to see how people reacted to what I write, and I knew it would be a long time before I'd actually get the review. So there I was, sprinting around like a maniac at the computer center, printing out truckloads of lab assignments and protocols, and there it was - the beaming pregnant email - the review.


And then I read it, catching approximately one phrase per sentence, given the 2 minute window I managed to catch in the middle of a routine school day. And I smiled, smiled like no one had seen me smile before. And then I had to run. And of course I missed the bus. But it was ok. A wind chill of -35 celsius doesn't really upset me anymore. Today I even walked around campus without a hat. But I digress.
So the point is, I loved the review.

At least, now I know my English isn't crappy. Or is it?

Well my boss thinks I need 'help' with responses. He teaches me how I need to respond when someone is done making stupid jokes. Apparently I am supposed to say "Thank Goodness!". "That's ok" works too. Of course this is a man who makes fun of me because I study a lot, and am 'tiny', not that the two are connected in any way. He also thinks I don't know what caterpillars, carpets and clay are, because I am from India. So, I don't know what to say when he says anything at all, because I know he has this novel response worked out in his brain which I am supposed to live up to. So I get sweaty and grin like a moron, hoping that would be enough. But I absolutely adore the man and couldn't ask for a better person to work with, and who knows, maybe I'll really learn some 'kick-ass' stuff to say and stun the 'duuuudes'.

I have been trying to work on that 'About Me' page, but I guess it's not as easy as it sounds. I also wanted to play around with the template, but college happened. It's sad that I have a photos link up in the link bar, but no links to the new photos. Well I ran out of free space on flickr, and now I have to delete the older ones. So I guess I'll just get rid of that link and post all the photos here. (See, I'm not editing!)
Anyway Lyell and Steno need my attention now.
But I do have some pictures for you.

Evenings with much to do and more to whine about

Some days, I love the snow. Some days I could hose it green.

Home. Someday maybe.

Finals week, the hair - oh the hair!.



Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

And I saw your review, hon! And it was so very awesome that you got a star! Keep blogging, and get out there and meet some of us freaky Americans! We're not all that scary. :)

Congratulations, darlin'!

That Girl said...

ohhh my. well im here after a long time! bad me. my grammar is the worst so im no one to talk since i blog the way i spout out.

nice pics! hope you didnt fall on your face with the finals. What with you being a narcoleptic!

Narcoleptic said...

@ CMG - Thanks a ton.
I know, I know : ), that's what all you guys keep telling me.

@ Grafxgurl - Great to have you back. Lol, well some times I probably did ball over. It's just something Physical Chemistry does to you.
The narcolepsy was probably a long time coming the moment I started school.