Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Slimming Jim

I have finally found a good time to blog. Tuesdays, 5 pm, my Nutrition class. It is this tedious 2.5 hours long class. I write, I read blogs that I haven't caught up on, it's just a very magical time for me. Except I usually scurry off right through the middle of the class, when we are graced a 5 minute break. The teacher doesn't care, I don't miss out anything that I don't already know. No one is hurt, and I am pretty confident I'll still manage an A at the end of the semester. How amazing is that?
Another routine, Mc Donalds after that hour long discussion on food, that I manage to sit through. All that healthy talk somehow knocks me out just enough to make me pounce on the unhealthiest piece of junk I've had the entire week. It's oddly satisfying.

Last three days I have been surviving on cheese, butter, pepperoni and garlic. Yes, just that. No real food involved, not even bread.

Somehow everything has melted into one big blob of a day. As far as food is concerned, lunch and dinner seem overindulgent treats to calm you down and help bring order into life. Well, order is something that is completely missing in my life right now. Unless, of course you factor in the fairly well established pattern in the complete disarray of a routine that I live through each day. So fuck the meals, I am more than happy with my messed up eating habits half way there into developing into a full fledged eating disorder. Which kind? I have no idea.

I am just scared of bloating up. Now, don't tell me that is trite. Well of course it is and I am not sure how that detail will fit into my eating plan, which is not a real plan after all.

I am taking 3 Wellness classes this semester. Three. That's a lot of crazy talk to make someone believe into eating and living right. But the fact that I so don't care about anything they talk about in class probably means something. No amount of reading about how many cardio sessions in a week will actually help you start trimming out, how much of carbs is actually food, and how much more of it is junk, even holding a huge block of sticky mock fat in the same nutrition class mentioned earlier will not be able to tear me away from my comfort food.

Either I am too full of myself, or all of this seems too insignificant. Living, for me, is probably much more that treadmill fests and leisure healthy eating. I say leisure eating, because I firmly believe that I will only be able to eat healthy, if I actually sit down and reflect on my diet, and oh god, isn't that the last thing I'll ever have time for. The obvious deliberating question is why am I taking these classes. Why? because I transferred late, and all other electives were taken. Only that. Most of the students in these classes are young jingly Freshmen who still have that twinkle in their eyes, who hope and believe college will bring something worthwhile into their lives. Well good luck to them. I am just stuck with my electives.

But then, I have the food to cheer me up.


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