Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lost and Found

It's kind of funny, call it supernormal, or just some plain old stupidity on my part, but things seem to have a way of coming back to me once I happen to lose them.
No, seriously, I lose something... instead of panicking and hyperventilating, I sit back and watch Gilmore Girls, while somehow nature finds it in herself to spare me the anxiety and return what rightfully belongs to me in a matter of 2-3 days, 4 max.
I lose my bank pass book. No worries. I open the drawer (which, by the way I use everyday...) on the 3rd day, there it is, in all its green glossy splendor, waiting to be grabbed.
I lose my watch, what do I do? I give up looking for it instantly, because I know there is no way I am going to find it right then. Of course I will find it at the bottom of my stationary bag a few days later. How it got there? I'd rather not try to guess.

But then, I lose my ring...Ok I realise this is self-involved down to so many unspeakable levels... but I haven't found it yet, and it's been a week. And now? I am beginning to get worried.

I've grown to get shamelessly attached to that inanimate piece of crap. So here I swallow whatever little pride I managed to earn so far, and plead to that little game of Providence which hides my stuff to kindly stop now. Coz, I need to know that things will in fact continue to come back when I lose them now. Otherwise I'll have to start looking for a lot of missing stuff now that I expect to show up in a day or two. That's just sad. I had one thing working out for me, and now it's gone.

Sheesh, how knocked out do you think one can get?

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